The Koran

Trying to approach Islamic culture without knowing anything about the Koran is perhaps even more reductive than examining Western history without knowing anything about the Bible. With no understanding of the Koran, not only is one ignorant about the articles of faith, but he/she cannot have access to the literatures, the thought, the laws, and the customs of the vast geographical area that revolves around this sacred text for over 14 centuries. This volume allows the reader to take a first step towards a better knowledge of the Koran. It places the reader in the text's land of origin, ancient Arabia, identifies the Hebrew and Christian influences and explores the Koranic revelations, which are firmly attached to the life of the Prophet. The volume also deals with classic Koranic sciences, modern interpretative tendencies and the history of translations that has accompanied the evolution of relationships between West and East and between Arabs and other, non-Arab-speaking Muslim populations. The reader, moreover, is able to grasp the great evocative appeal of the Koran thanks to the numerous quotations drawn from this great literary monument and religious codex. New edition 2016.

Paolo Branca is a scholar of Islam and Professor of Arab language and literature at the Catholic University of Milan.

Premessa - Capitolo I: Tra oralità e scrittura: l'avvento del «Profeta illetterato» - Capitolo II: La «discesa» del Corano e la predicazione - Capitolo III: Dalle prime redazioni al Corano qual è oggi - Capitolo IV: I dotti e i semplici - Capitolo V: Dalla controversia medievale al post-orientalismo - Capitolo VI: Traduzioni, studi e ulteriori prospettive - Le 114 sure del Corano - Per saperne di più